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The PR Agency that specialises in public relations for your digital/online space.


Postal Address:
PO Box 2094, Spreyton TAS 7310

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Best Consulting

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Market Research

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Market Growth

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About Agency

We’re Expertise &
Strategic Agency To Take
Care Of Your Business

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  • Become successful & superior
  • Provide quick & good solution for business
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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters.

  • Become successful & superior
  • Provide quick & good solution for business
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Work Process Our Experts Do

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We’re Providing Best Solutions For Your Business

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Social Media Strategy Development

Strategic planning created around business and PR principles.

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Public Relations

Media releases, issues & crisis management plans, media consultancy, and brand management.

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Photography & Videography

We want you to look your best while being as authentic as possible.

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Consultancy, Coaching & Support

Digital Media Support, Social Media Photography Workshops & more.

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Years of experience


Happy Clients


Project Done


Giving Consultancy


Choose Your Best Plan

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  • Assessment of current Digital Media Sites
  • Strategy Development
  • Tool kits
  • Basic Training
  • Account Opening (if required)
  • Brand and Image Alignment

Digital Media Strategy

Your Digital Media Journey starts here with a Strategy Kit. Before grabbing hold of your base-level Digital Media Membership and top-up plan with both hands, you will need a Strategy Kit. This is a once-off (or as required) and includes all sorts of goodies, such as tool kits, basic training, and way more, and, of course, an Online PR-crafted strategy session where traditional business planning tools meet PR. Why is this important? Planning saves time and money and equals success.

  • Contact us today for your Digital Media Strategy
  • Don't want to pay $1000s a month in social media management plans?
  • Do you require a local and friendly 'human' to manage your messenger messages, not an AI bot?
  • Don't want to add to the noise on social media by posting dozens of posts a month?
  • Do you only want a few clear and defined posts a month?
  • Do you have in-house social media staff you would like a Digital PR Agency to support?
  • Do you want digital support that can update other platforms routinely?

Digital Media Membership

If you have answered YES! to any of these, the base-level Membership Plan could be for you! Digital Media Membership is your lifeline to getting your business seen and managed by a dedicated Digital Public Relations Agency local to the North West Coast of Tasmania. The monthly Membership includes 240 Minutes of community engagement/inbox message management, 60 Minutes of other digital media platform updates if needed, a tailored Public Relations content calendar and hashtags suggestions for the month, social media updates, tips and suggestions, x2 Included PR-focused Facebook and/or Instagram posts and stories, exclusive in-house discounts on an array of services including social media photography sessions, or video sessions for use for reels. You also get the option to choose which plan to add to this base membership. T&C's payment for the monthly Membership is by the 1st of each month, with a 6-month commitment, or Pay for the six months upfront to receive a 10% discount on the Membership only. Products and Pricing may be changed at short notice in alignment with digital media changes. *You supply all images, video collateral, and brand/corporate style guides.

  • Contact us today to start your Digital Media Membership
  • Additional posts
  • Additional reels
  • Additional stories
  • Additional carousels
  • Routine Analytics
  • Meta Scheduling

Choose your Plan

Depending on your requirements, you may need additional content. Add a Silver plan for $314, making your monthly service charge $899, or a Gold (not listed; contact us for details), or 'all the bells and whistles' Platinum plan for $1914, making your monthly service charge $2499, where we take care of everything. Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans are flexible. If you require fewer posts and more reels, we can swap services around. Need help with your image/video collateral? We can assist with in-house exclusive membership discounts for social media photography/videography based on PR Principles. However, choose the Platinum plan, and this is included, making things much simpler. *Prices are per month

  • Ready to select your plan?
From $314
  • Chin up
  • Shoulders back
  • Smile
  • Speak slow & clearly
  • Be authentic
  • & Relax

Optional Photography & Videography

Never fear if you don't have your image/video collateral; we offer in-house Photography and Videography sessions for your Digital Media. Our image and video sessions are tailored around what the use is for. For example, short, fun casual videos for reels, semi-professional videos for advertising, education, marketing, etc., to digital Photography shaped for your digital platform and function. Photography and videography are versatile mediums that can be used for various purposes. From advertising and marketing to journalism and storytelling, they offer a powerful way to communicate ideas, evoke emotions, and convey information visually. Our photography sessions not only include us saying 'chin up, shoulders back...' but on completion of your session, you will receive folders of images ready for your online use if you choose not to have a Digital Media Membership. The photos are available via an electronic folder or a flash drive. You will also receive a handy glossy magazine showcasing your best images to either boast or refer back to. The current turnaround is about 1-2 weeks. *Price is active membership only.

  • Contact us today to book your Image or Video session
from $455


Our Happy Client Tell About Us

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Case Studies

Our Recent Project

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Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.

Client:Jhon Doe

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted

Client:Maria Doe

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Best Time to Look for New Appliances Bring Business to Light

Client:Jhon Doe

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Best Time to Look for New Appliances Bring Business to Light

Client:Jhon Doe

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Team Members

Our Experts Team Members

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Emillie Cole

CEO of Ideabuz


Jack Reader

CEO of Ideabuz


Michle Jackson

CEO of Ideabuz


Jason Roy

CEO of Ideabuz


Andy Mare

CEO of Ideabuz


John Sina

CEO of Ideabuz

The best strategical business
agency to build up your business in next level.

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Our Latest News On Business

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